Make-specific Motorolajs require garages to stock an ever broader palette of lubricants. MOTOREX meets the challenge with its handy, compact and tailored 20-liter bag-in-box (BIB) concept. Take the BIB test!

Repair services for foreign vehicle makes and multi-make shops increasingly require make/model-specific Motorolajs. Meeting the manufacturer’s specifications typically means reaching for a one-liter bottle. But these are anything but economical and environmentally friendly.
Lubricants in the bag-in-box container make sense both on their own and as a complement to existing lubricant supply options (drums, tanks with oil bar, etc.). MOTOREX has developed a practical bag-in-box rack (width 64,4 cm × depth 55 cm × height 115 cm) for clean storage and easy access to up to six different BIBs. The rack is equipped with a drip pan, and slightly forward-leaning shelves make dispensing quick and clean. The potential configurations are practically unlimited.
- 20 liter size
- Ideal for supplementing a workshop product range
- Space saving storage (stackable)
- Clean and easy handling
- Guarantees maximum purity of contents
- Built in high-flow dispenser
- Good emptying of residues
- Minimal waste
Take the BIB test!
- Have you ever ordered make-specific Motorolajs in one-liter bottles for a repair service?
- Do you depend on rapid availability of a make-specific Motorolaj?
- For reasons of logistics and economy, do you want to avoid stocking large quantities of a Motorolaj you only need occasionally?
If you answer “yes” to all three questions, then make-specific 20-liter bag-in-box Motorolajs from MOTOREX are the right choice for your firm.