

For use in all diesel and fuel oil grades, both with or without biodiesel content. However, can also be used in pure biodiesel. In the event of noticeable microbial contamination of tank systems, e.g. if biological sludge is found or frequent filter blockages occur, we recommend the shock dosage of 1000 ppm to 2500 ppm.

Műszaki részletek


grotamar® 82 is pre-dissolved so that once added directly to the fuel tank, even distribution in the tank is guaranteed. In the event of significant contamination, the fuel system (tank, lines, filter) should be cleaned before being treated with grotamar® 82 so that tough biological sludge deposits are removed and cannot re-contaminate the system.


  • 1l
  • 10l


Read the documentation originally supplied with grotamar® 82. Only use the product in rooms with sufficient ventilation. Avoid directly inhaling the product. Wear suitable protective clothing when carrying out the work.



  • Rapid bactericidal and fungicidal effect
  • Improves the anti-corrosive and anti-oxidation properties
  • Excellent long-lasting protection against microbial material destruction
  • Free of organically bonded chlorine
  • Dissolves brilliantly in all types of diesel fuels and fuel oils
  • Improves the storage stability of B5*-B20* diesel grades
  • Keeps the tank system clean


In the event of significant contamination, the fuel system (tank, lines, filter) should be cleaned before being treated with grotamar® 82 so that tough biological sludge deposits are removed and cannot re-contaminate the system.


Diesel fuels/heating oil (shock dosage) 1.0-2.50 l to 1000 l diesel or heating oil (1000-2500 ppm)




What are biodegradable lubricants?

This means the biochemical decomposition of organic chemical compounds accelerated by microorganisms. Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc. bring about biological degradation through what is termed bio-oxidation. This occurs in several stages, producing CO2, water, protein cell material and multiplication of micro-organisms.

  • Swisscool Kft.
  • 2112 Veresegyház, Hópehely utca 15.
  • Adószám: 26644662-2-13
  • Cégjegyzékszám: 13 09 197857
  • Tel. +36 70 611 6004, +36 30 438 7399

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