

Company founded in Bützberg. Produces leather and floor care products.


 Company renamed Bucher & Cie AG


Relocates from Bützberg to Langenthal, moving into the first company building in the current industrial zone.


The REX brand gives way to MOTOREX. Lubricants and technical chemical products are now successfully developed, produced and sold under the new brand. 


MOTOREX launches the first of its advertising campaigns, placing a full-page advertisement in a local newspaper.


After completing the base oil tank in front of the company offices in Langenthal, MOTOREX now owns the largest tank storage facility in Switzerland. 


In order to expand its range of products, the first used aerosol filling plant is purchased, still requiring a lot of manual labour. Before production can start, however, work begins on designing the packaging and labelling for the new sprays.


Helen Bucher, Monique Regenass-Bucher and Peter Regenass are appointed as new members of the board of directors.


The first issue of the MOTOREX Revue (known today as MOTOREX Magazine) is published. Read the full issue here.


The new technological MC Motorolajs for passenger and commercial vehicles are launched, considered leading products for their quality. The first MOTOREX TV advertisements is created for successful marketing. 


The famous green MOTOREX logo is introduced.


The brand consolidates its presence in the world of motor sports. We have celebrated around 100 world championship titles so far thanks to our numerous sponsorship partners. 


Helen Bucher (former Chairman of the Board of Directors) is awarded the "Prix Veuve Clicquot" as businesswoman of the year 1999.


The revolutionary 1-litre "elephant trunk" bottle is launched, marking a major achievement for MOTOREX. The advanced design amazes customers across the board and is awarded the following four prizes:

  • SWISS STAR 2000 of the Swiss packaging industry
  • Swiss Packaging Institute (SVI) design prize (design category)
  • EURO STAR 2000
  • WORLD STAR 2001

Achieving our goals together! This was our slogan when we concluded a cooperation agreement with KTM. The partnership is stronger today than ever before and spans all our projects (all kinds of KTM products including the KTM X-BOW and racing series).


The company deploys its first sales team abroad in the form of MOTOREX Deutschland AG. More follow: 2010 MOTOREX Österreich; 2011 MOTOREX Nordic (Sweden); 2014 SAV MOTOREX Deutschland (two-wheel only); 2014 acquisition of YORK (France)


MOTOREX launches the fuel-saving and low-emission Motorolaj NEXUS FE SAE 5W/30 for heavy diesel engines. 


MOTOREX ensures green high performance and brings a quickly biodegradable hidraulikaolaj onto the market in the form of the OEKOSYNT HEES.


Construction work begins on a new production and office building in Langenthal.


The family-owned company celebrates its centenary and proudly markets itself as the biggest manufacturer of lubricants in Switzerland. 

  • Swisscool Kft.
  • 2112 Veresegyház, Hópehely utca 15.
  • Adószám: 26644662-2-13
  • Cégjegyzékszám: 13 09 197857
  • Tel. +36 70 611 6004

Svájc olaja

Aki a MOTOREX-nél vásárol, bízhat benne, hogy olyan széles választékot talál, hogy minden kenéstechnikai feladathoz a megfelelő terméket találja. Termékkínálatunk a mindegyik motortípushoz megfelelő motorolajon, hajtóműolajon és kenőolajon át a fékfolyadékon és zsírokon át egészen az útépítéshez, vasúthoz vagy hajóiparhoz használatos speciális termékekig terjed. A cég nagy hangsúlyt fektet a termékei és az azokhoz kapcsolódó szolgáltatások állandó nagyfokú minőségére. Manapság világszerte egy lapon említik a MOTOREX termékeket a motorsport eredményeivel, a csúcsminőséggel és az ipari szakértelemmel.

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